Book Editing

Bringing Your Voice into Focus

Editing should enhance a manuscript, not constrain it. While careful attention to grammar and style is important, I believe that preserving an author’s unique voice is equally crucial. Every book has its own character, and not every manuscript needs to be rigidly shaped to fit a specific mold.

My approach is centered on helping authors achieve their vision while maintaining the authenticity of their work. I prioritize clarity and precision, but I also respect the individuality of each writer’s voice. Whether you're an indie author or navigating the traditional publishing process, my goal is to refine your manuscript without compromising its essence. Together, we can create a well-polished book that stays true to your original intent.

About J. M. Elliott

With nearly two decades of experience as a communications director, writer, editor, and designer, I bring a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to the art of editing both fiction and nonfiction. Additionally, I am completing the University of Chicago’s rigorous certificate program in manuscript editing and am excited to share my expertise with authors, particularly those in the indie publishing sphere.

Editing Services

  • A developmental edit is a structural edit that assesses and addresses the substantial elements of your manuscript, whether a novel or article, and edits it for internal logic, consistency, etc. This pass through the manuscript is less about spelling, grammar, and punctuation and more about ensuring you have a cohesive, logical narrative to work with. While it is not the editor’s job to fact-check the work, factual inconsistencies or anachronisms, logical fallacies, inconsistencies in naming, impossible leaps in time and space, etc., should all be flagged during this phase.

  • A line edit can be thought of as a developmental edit at the sentence level. If a developmental edit takes a full view of the manuscript, then the line edit breaks it down line-by-line.

  • Copyediting is the final cleanup a manuscript undergoes before typesetting and design in preparation for printing. During this phase, a copy editor will check the text for spelling, capitalization, abbreviations, numbers, documentation, tables, figures, etc. Most copy editors follow a style guide, such as the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) or a publisher’s house style, to ensure consistency throughout the manuscript. These rules can be broken if they are broken consistently!

    The hallmark of a good copyeditor is the ability to ensure correctness and consistency while maintaining the author’s voice and intention. Some works need only a light mechanical edit, while others require a more substantive edit, digging deeper for issues like clarity, sense, word choice, tense, diction, pacing, direction, and organization.

  • Proofreading is often misunderstood. It’s not a service authors need early in the process but rather when a manuscript has been designed and laid out on the page. At this stage, a proofreader ensures that things like titles, chapters, figures, notes, bibliographies, and of course the main text are free of errors.

  • The design of a book's interior is essential to its function as well as its aesthetic appeal. I can help format your manuscript and design a beautiful book for print or digital formats using InDesign.

  • I can also help with the following:

    • Websites

    • Graphics

    • Logos

    • Promotional materials (e.g., business cards, brochures, etc.)

Pricing for services is based on EFA rate guidelines and is available upon request.

Packages are available!

For a personalized quote or to discuss your project, please contact me today.