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Kilmartin Warrior Grave Slabs

Kilmartin, Lochgilphead, Scotland. October 10, 2015.

From the right of the door to the left, the stones are arranged from approximate earliest to latest, beginning in the 1200’s up to 1712. The intricate carvings on these warriors’ grave slabs feature obvious symbols like swords, spears, armor, hunting scenes of dogs attacking stags—and less obvious ones like shears (maybe tools signifying good grooming or having a social or ritual component?) and unicorns.

Near the grounds was a recreated beehive hut. They certainly predated the monks who would later use them as “cells” and take all the fun out of them. I’ve been inside a few and they’re very cozy, surprisingly dry, and very livable. Ingenious constructions, especially when moss and grass begins to cover them and they start to look like hobbit holes :-)

And a small canvas yurt nearby the grounds of the visitors center if I recall correctly which of course I couldn’t resist taking some pics of. Another cozy and ingenious dwelling type!